I just don't understand what made Omarion think this is appropriate. Does he not realize how high on the gaydar he is already? He can be gay, fine, just come out the closet ( but leave that scarf in there). You're singing about girls and talking about girls. There was your good friend Rihanna who you mention even when she isn't mentioned in some interviews. You dated co-star Jennifer Freeman. Stop playing. Just be gay, straight or admittedly bi-sexual.
Oh Omarion, I'm convinced that you're a straight m-. See that's the other thing. Personally, my spidey senses don't believe he's gay. Still, they are having a very ..EXTREMELY difficult time trying to find his masculinity. Not saying O's not an ok talent. I'm sure he's pretty entertaining. I actually like "Face Off", but I've accepted that him standing next to Bow Wow makes Bow Wow that much more mannish. Nope, can't explain that one...
He has on the tight skinny jeans that he likes, because they show off his figure. He really said that. Then he has his hair out looking like the lion from "The Wizard of Oz" ( while performing on 106&Park he tilted his head back and shook his head,and I'm pretty convinced that he was trying to roar.) And the icing on the fruit cake (pun always intended :) ) he's wearing that scarf. This bold fashion statement might be considered artsy in some circles , but he's already so questionable. It's just the wrong time to test this whole creativity thing out. Wait until after the album charts. You have a career to think about. Sitting around deciding to look like Snoop Doog 3000, what was his publicist/stylist/mother/Terrence or Rocsi thinking?
Yes, a career to think about unlike Bow Wow, who has decided to not release another album until 2010. I would hope the life experience he might gain brings his rapping more depth. Then again, I'm sure many just hope he's not lying about leaving the rap world for a moment.
On that note "Face Off" is in stores now. :)
Lmao, MOAN! Yesss! This is what I'm talkin about! Lmfaooo "icing on the fruit cake"
Him and Bow :( Homooooo :(
Omarion doesn't know when he looks halfway normal. After 9329132478 years of the baby hair (which he had to shave down after a while) he finally gets rid of it. Then he does this atrocity. Idk about him...he's a killer.
You are so sick! Even for me!
dead @ Omarion wearing skinny jeans and his hair out looking like a cross between snoop and andre 3000
i think i have that same pair of skinny/str8 legged looking jeans
His obvious change in ..."sexy" appearance since the release of the "O" album has undoubtedly shyed me off of this guy. I am not sure WHAT it is but this picture doesn't help his famelight shine any brighter.
As far as him making Bow Wow look mannish, he has come to defeat what was thought impossible by so many people that dislike Bow "Shad Moss" Wow (lol). Yes, he has made Bow Wow look, a) tall b) sane and c) a man.
Face Off is in stores, and shall remain in stores. I hope this lovely couple will last as long as Whitney and Bobby.
I think he looks good
i mean his pants are a little to tight but he look aight
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